Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Beggining

When I started this project I sent out a standardized letter to venues around Melbourne, hoping to excite something with venue owners and they would let me into their bars, pubs, clubs and theaters to capture a small part of history.

Within a few hours of sending the email I had received reply's from many different types of music venues all willing to offer up their time and space for me to come and photograph their venue.

"To Whom It May Concern:

I am a young photographic artist from Melbourne and I am about to embark on a new and extensive series called “Empty Spaces, Darkened Rooms”. This series will document the interiors of music venues when there is no one in them.

This series will hopefully take me around the world and I am inviting you to be apart of it.
I have been photographing concerts around Melbourne for the past four years and have decided to take a photograph of the interior when empty to show the contrast between when I have photographed a show on your stage and when there is no one around.

All I require from you is access to your venue while it is empty for an hour or however long you can spare (preferably longer than 5mins), so I can set up a tripod and take a few shots of the stage with just the house lights on.

I do intend to apply for funding for this project in the future so I can really get it up and running. I believe what you are doing for our music scene is a valid and important part of history which should be documented for the future.

If you are interested in being apart of this project, please reply to this email.

Thank you very much for your time,


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